Saturday, August 27, 2011

my Silhouette wall art

Well I tried it out & it mostly worked, Vincis (my pomeranian) turned out a bit odd, I think I will end up re-doing his after he gets a hair cut. Overall I love them. 
I first found these on Cristina Willams Blog(via craftgawker), she has a great tutorial & if you have kids make them of your babies. I made them of my babies.

You will need-
12x12 Canvas board(4 pack at Hobby lobby was $7.99)
Acrylic Paint
Sponge brush or roller
Gesso(canvas prep)-I'm sure you can do without the gesso, it just makes the canvas smoother & whiter
Side profile picture

First I prepped my canvases with Gesso, but if you skip this i'm sure it will be fine.

Second you will need to blow your picture up in photoshop to a 12x12 & if you want you can cut the image out in photoshop. Try to make the image life size to the person or animal. 
I then took them on a zip disk to my local print shop R.Y.M & had them printed on 12x12 paper.
If you don't have photoshop just have them blow them up for you at the print shop. 

Here are mine, as you can see, Vinci & Kitt Catt were to furry to be cut out in photoshop, but Mystro was easy.

Next step is cut them out.
This is Mystros cut out & flipped over.

Then Trace it on the back of your Vinyl & remember Turn your silhouette opposite to what direction you want the subject to face. 

Then cut it out again 

Place the sticker/Vinyl silhouette on your canvas(make sure to press it down good.)


Let it dry & paint another coat.
Let it dry & then peel vinyl off.

Then walla
You are done. (:

Kitt Catt
 Mystros looks black in these pictures, but it's really dark brown, the lighting is just way awesome.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Love em

Canvas Silhouette 

I want to make these soon of my two dogs & cat. I can't wait!

Remember those canvas silhouettes of my kids I made last year? The plan was to update them once a year to keep track of how the kids are changing. I love how Charlotte went from a little no-neck baldy to a wild-haired darlin' in just one year's time.

Here's a list of supplies you'll need:

Here's the step-by-step:

1. Paint the canvas white. 
2. Take photos of your subject(s) in profile. 
3. Use Photoshop or any photo-editing program to re-size the photos to fit the canvas.
4. Print the photos on regular paper
5. Trace a "cut-line" around the profile with a Sharpie.
6. Cut along the black line

Then I used the templates I made from the photos to trace onto the back of a vinyl sheet (see above & below). 

The extra step of tracing onto vinyl really saved me a lot of stress when it came to painting the profiles onto the canvas. Last year, I used a label sheet; but the label shifted around a bit when I started painting, and didn't leave the fine details as defined as I wanted them. The vinyl is the perfect solution. It stuck firmly to the canvas, didn't allow paint underneath, and removed cleanly when I was done painting.

Next, simply stick the vinyl cut-out to the center of the canvas. Paint over it with your desired paint color and a foam brush (or a foam roller, if you don't like brush-strokes). Two or three coats of paint may be necessary. After the paint dries, remove the vinyl and your silhouette is done!

Pardon all the smudges on my kids silhouettes. They found the finished products on the table one morning, and carried them around the house all day. Now I'm off to touch-up the dirty spots, and then these silhouettes will grace our entryway for the next year.

P.S. If you need a little more in-depth info, check out last year's tutorial.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A few fun things I made this week

Twine Chandelier

These pictures suck, sorry. I am going to add some jewels to the strings when I get some, but overall I like it. It did spruce up my boob shaped light cover in my room. ha ha If you would like the tutorial here it is at The Ruffled Blog A few tips, try not to get too much glue on the balloon, it will stay stuck to the string. I used cooking spray not vasaline. :)

A cute Decoration I made for my baby sissys first place!

The middle is a chalkboard. :)

A Tea Wreath for my Kitchen

My little buddy Cait showed me this awhile ago & I wanted to make it. I had forgotten about it until I  was on StumbleUpon yesterday & found it. I had all the stuff so I made it. (: 

Here is the link for the Tea Time Wreath.

LOVES, xoxo  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FALL CRAFT for Remember Your Memories

To make these (above flower) Classic Felt Flowers <--Click here

 How to make felt rosettes. (above flower)

Fall Craft

You will need-
_Styrofoam wreath (any size)
-Yarn, as many colors as you desire
-Glue gun
-Felt, fabric, or pre-made flowers (you can use old scraps of fabric to make 
flowers too.)
-A matching peice of ribbon
-Embellishments(If wanted) such as: acorns, jewels, buttons, leaves, berries, 
pumpkin, etc.

Step 1
Wrap your yarn into a ball if it's a small wreath, this makes it much easier & faster to wrap 
wreath(you will need a lot more yarn than you would think)

Step 2
Wrap yarn once around wreath & tie knot in back, then wrap whole wreath, it 
doesn't have to be perfect straight lined yarn to yarn, just make sure you fill 
all the holes. Then if you want another color add that on top, any design you 

Step 3
Make your flowers, any style you desire & then arrange them on top of the wreath 
to figure out where you want them. Then when you love it, glue them on with the 
hot glue gun.  If you need an idea for flowers here is a link for you. How to make felt rosettes.  or Classic Felt Flowers
Step 4 
Add embellishments (I just fill in gaps between flowers) 

Step 5 
Loop ribbon around top, tie a knot or bow & it's ready to hang. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lazy sunday + things I have made recently + Ricky's Birthday & up Nebo

Today has been pretty great so far....
Started out with a very yummy big breakfast & is going on with us cuddling the dogs & staying in our jim jams all day!
Yesterday I crafted in the morning.(After I scavenged through a abandoned house & got some great finds. With permission.  )
Last night we headed up the canyon, a bit of roasting hot dogs, marshmallows, potato salad & fun with puppies & family!
Thursday was ricks Birthday we headed to his grave & sent some messages on balloons to him. 

Oh how I love my little family so so much. 

This is a grocery list book I made with the help of Jamie John & her store  R.Y.M.
I just typed up things I usually buy, when I need them I highlight them & then check them off when I go shopping. It has a spot for Birthdays, To Do list & my work schedule also! I love it, it is so nice. 

I will be helping R.Y.M. with a Monthly craft. This is the next one coming.
Instructions & step by step tut coming soon. 

This fun & crazy Crayon art didn't turn out quite as pretty as I wanted, but still fun. 

This is one of the things I found in that house, it was just plain not painted.
 I turned into a chalkboard, I already know the saying I'm going to put on it. 
Who being Loved is poor?
-Oscar Wilde
I love it, it turned out quite nice.

Air Plants

Air plants come in many different shapes & sizes, they don't need soil. 
I just water mine about twice a week, I take them out of the jars & put them in a dish with water overnight & then shake & return to jar. You can find them fairly cheap on Ebay. I bought the jars for a dollar each at Dollar Tree & the twine at a craft store. I bought them in bulk(for way cheap) I made a set for me, my mom, sister-in-law.
They are so cool, you can even glue them to things.
This is where I found the idea, I obviously modified it. 

Cricut Fun!

A jar for goodies, or money.

It's kinda lite, but I didn't want it to look tacky.
We get a ton of Soliciting & I hate it, but I wanted to put a funny spin on it. 

Messages to Heaven
Happy Birthday Ricky, we miss you. 

 Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, & Tyrel (my brother)

Grandma, Me, Grandpa

Mom & I

Up Nebo With Nielson Fam
Good luck Cal!
Mikes brother Cal has just taken a job where we will see him very little, he will be in another state working.(Just like my brother :( )
I think Mike is sad, Cal is his best friend. We went up the canyon to hang with them & wish him luck. :)
 Mike, Cal & the dogs
 Kim & Kayla
 Kim, Kayla & Mikes dad Craig

 Look how dirty his tongue is. haha He was eating wood.
Mr. Nielson & I 
He looks way happy. 

Have a great Day!