Monday, April 14, 2014

A week of firsts

well this last week has been a week of many firsts!

my first week as a SAHM
I honestly thought that the day might drag on a bit after being home a couple days in a row. sooooo not the case. if anything I could use a few more hours in the day. i am loving being home with my baby, and i like to think he enjoys it as well.

asher got his first two teeth.
i never realized how teething could transform your child into a crazy up & down mess. what a doozy!!
i am so glad i was home with him while he got his first teeth. not a happy man, we took many ,any a walks about the neighborhood. it somehow makes him forget that he feels like crap. poor dude, we have both come to the conclusion that teething is an ass, a real big jerk.

while he was teething we also conquered another obstacle.  THE SWADDLE
yep he no longer has to be swaddled to sleep. yahoo!!! let me just tell you how much sleep i got the last two weeks between teething & him getting used to the free arms. it wasn't fun, & i was so thankful i didn't have to work.

on another note...  he has to nurse to sleep, probably a bad habit. i just didn't see how to avoid it because he falls asleep when nursing before napping and before bed. should i wake him (seems counter productive) or not worry about it? i'm not really into the CIO method. any suggestions?

he wants to crawl so bad, but still hates being on his tummy. i put him on all fours & he lowers down & rolls over. when i hold him on the couch or floor he is constantly slinking out of my arms, but when he gets out of my arms and off my legs he cries because he can't go anywhere. lol

another couple of firsts though small i want to remember...
he has a toy phone i always pretend to talk into, and when i hold it up to his ear he grabs it and talks.
he has a small toy plane & yesterday i caught him laying on his back while zooming it through the air and making sounds.
we have also been learning to clap & wave bye.

i am so so glad i decided to stay home with him & i didn't realize how important schedule was to me.
it's so much better to have him on a consistent (most of the time unless i have errands) nap schedule. it makes for a way happier babe.

 ^^although he is now actually closer to 8 months, above was 7 months. 

his hair is getting so long & uncontrollable.
i LOVE it