Friday, November 29, 2013

Cloth diapering

You know what makes me super happy? When someone asks me about cloth diapering & my husband pipes in. He's all for the cloth & I love it. The other night he was telling one of the fellas how great cloth diapering is, and then last night he was giving someone a tutorial on how to correctly put them on Asher. He's so fantastic, I love him tons.

I am no expert on cloth diapering, but I know it's working great for us this far ! Someone asked me to write a post on cloth diapering awhile ago after realizing that it has come a long way, so I will try my best.

So the reason I even thought about cloth diapering was because of my cousins wife Bonnie (who I have only met I think twice) she is my parental role model. lol (If you read this Bonnie don't be creeped out) I just think she is a great parent/SUPERMOM!, she kicks ass & does parenting alone a lot of the time because she lives on base with no family near & her husband is deployed. He still hasn't got to meet their way cute little 5 month old Mina. :(
She has 4 kiddos. I don't know how she does it, it was hard having a newborn even with all the help I got & I don't have other kids. Anyways she has been really good to me, she made me a sling for Ash, some cute little animals & given me lots of advice(and not unwanted advice, I asked) from Thrush (still fighting it, boooo), to cloth diapering. Anyways... THANKS A TON BONNIE!

Sooo the most common thing that is misunderstood about cloth diapering these days is that people picture prefolds with safety pins. (below) People see them & say Oh that is not what I was picturing at all. That's a cloth diaper?
You can use these still, but cloth diapering has come A LONG WAY!
A lot of people use these on newborns. The One size diapers usually don't fit until baby is about 9ish lbs.
We used disposables that we were given as gifts until he was big enough for cloth.
Worked great.

Below are some of the diapers we use.

They have a pocket that you add an insert & that's what absorbs the moisture.
They are  called one size pocket diapers.
They will fit Asher until he is no longer wearing diapers.

The other question I get a lot is...
What do you do with them once he goes potty in them?
Well he isn't eating solids yet so there is no solid #2, if /when there is I will
be dumping in the toilet. As for now the thing that works best for us is
Putting some water and soap in the washing machine in the morning and throwing them in there as they get soiled. Then there are no stinky diapers to deal with later & no stains. Some people who cloth diaper use special detergents & such. We just use All Free & Clear. It's working great so far.
There are services that will clean them for you, but we just do them ourselves.

You use them when you go out too?
Yes , we use them when we are out and about. Maybe it will change when he is older, but so far it's no problem. We just take a grocery bag to put the dirties in. I did order a zippered wet bag today though. :)

My favorite things about Cloth Diapering
1- it seems so much comfier for my little guy
2- HELLO!! saves a boat load of money
3- good for the environment (every little thing helps)
4- they are super cute
5-don't have to worry about chemicals

If you are interested in cloth diapering the cheapest way to get them is with a co-op 
or today on Black Friday sales.

My favorite cloth diapers this far are Kawaii
Second favorite is Alva
Kawaii has some called Heavy Wetters & they are fantastic for nighttime now that Asher is sleeping longer.

You can click on the names of the diapers to visit their websites.
Stores need to start carrying cloth diapers in my opinion.
This far I haven't seen any in Utah. 

If I have forgotten anything please let me know. :)

He looks a little scared in this ha ha 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A GOAL!!!- Asher

Whoot this is my 100th post.
Mr. grumpster is now 10 weeks & a couple days! We are starting to get the hang of this thing. I took him to the doctor yesterday(moving up his well child checkup that was later this week), I suspected he had Thrush, sure enough he did. So sad, I feel bad for my little man. Hopefully he will be better soon, it looks painful. He also got his well child checkup. He now weighs in at 12lbs, and is 23in long.(I don't remember the head.) Well I guess  his weight is in the lower percentile, witch is not really what you want to hear. Doctor said he could use a bit of weight gain. I think being a Mom kinda comes with a lot of insecurities. I know he's eating enough when I'm home, but it's so hard to tell how much to have the babysitters give him of my breast milk. You don't get as much when you pump as when they are eating. Well I never feed him a bottle either, so I don't know how big to make them. Well I think I was making them too small, and no one really told me. Witch makes me feel like shit for starving my kid.  Well the bottles are bigger now, and I hope they don't go to waste. It is such a pain in the ass pumping & I'm still not producing enough. A work day consists of pumping on my way to work(yes while driving) at 7:30, then at 10am, again at 12:30, 2:00, 4:00 & on the way home at 5:15ish (one side so I can feed baby when home) I will now add a pumping session at night, at home as well. MY GOAL is to BF until he's a year old. Right now it feels like it's going to be impossible. If I didn't work, I know it would be no problem. I am so so DETERMINED not to supplement. (If you are a formula user that is fantastic, this is MY goal so don't be offended.) I sooo hope I can do it. Once solids are added I'm hoping it will be a bit easier. I heard a quote today & really hope it's not the case as far as baby Ash & BF goes. "God laughs when you make a plan."

I honestly feel like motherhood is the hardest thing ever,  full of so many decisions & they are all so hard to make. i also feel like motherhood is full of a world of people telling you "You are doing it wrong." It's not good for the self esteem.

On that note a 2 month well child visit includes dun dun dun... vaccinations. If you know me, you know I have hella been struggling with whether or not to get them. When I walked into the doctor's office yesterday I still hadn't made up my mind. Well I ended up giving him 1(the one that has 3 combined) DTaP, IPV, and hepatitis B. I still have anxiety about it. Can't I just move to a remote island & keep him in a netted area, away from all germs. I will grow our food, and no one will be allowed to visit. It just freaks me out and I hate putting bad things in our bodies. I don't even like to take Tylenol anymore. I will when my shoulders are having a very bad day, but I try to avoid it. Writing this is stressing me out. ha ha 

This post kind of turned into a rant/pitty party. I'm sorry. 

As far as Asher goes I love him whole entire world, I love the fussy baby he is & all.I wouldn't have him any other way.  I really wish I could be home with him every day, then I could have the time to fatten him up & teach him all I know. So I've been reading The Happiest Baby on the Block and the 5 S's are amazing. Mr. Ash gets so mad when you swaddle him tight(locking those arms in), but 5 mins later he passes out! It's fantastic. He has been sleeping so much better at night too, since I started swaddling him to sleep. Last night he slept a ton! He went down at 8, and didn't wake till 1am, then didn't wake till 5:30 & went back down after eating. I think it was because he didn't feel good though. :(  That doesn't mean I slept though. haha

I wish I was home with him right now....
Oh & just to add!! The babysitters have jumped on the cloth diaper train. WHOOT!!!
At first they all thought "cloth diapering, ewww I'm not doing that" 
Even Mike thought that before we had the baby. Once Mike saw them & started doing it.
He realized it's not any harder than a disposable. I'm so glad all the babysitters
are using them now too.