Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Great Weekend (Friday didn't happen)

Thusday I worked... blah
On the upside I brought Shawn Balloons & pizza for his Birthday & finally brought Cait her B day present. (Her Birthday was in December sheesh... a bit late) I made her a Tea Wreath witch I have made before, but for hers I added pictures of her Birthday Tea Party.

Cait is such a thoughtful sweetheart, she brought me Eucalyptus Epsom bath salt & Lavender bubble bath. I love it so much. It might have been the only thing that kept me from throwing things & a tantrum at work on Friday. Knowing I was going to be able to have a bath when I got home that night. Below was my post on Facebook that night. haha
When all else fails
take a bath
 ·  · 

Saturday was Diane my mother-in-laws 60th Birthday Surprise party. (:

It was soo fun we had soup pot luck & that amazing cake Griff (Melyn's husband made. Melyn is Mike's twin) Above is the Valentines decoration I made Diane for her B day.

We had homemade  Blueberry Scones for breakfast. I added a bit of cinnamon,vanilla subbed 2% instead of whole & orange zest instead of lemon. yummy!

A haircut for Mike I'm deeply depressed that he made me cut off the duck tail. I may have told him he would have to sleep on the couch(I was kidding though) Seriously though, I loved his cute duck tail.

After dinner I made Peach Pie, we ate it hot with vanilla bean Ice Cream. Yep I've been trying to eat healthy & shed a couple of pounds. I DID GREAT TODAY! haha
 Today was also filled with lots of cuddling, movies, jammies, a fire & coffee. A GREAT DAY!

Have a great week everybody! Lots of LOVES!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Muscular Dystrophy, nope (:

So it's not m.d, but my doctor thinks it's for sure a muscle disease. The only way to pinpoint it would be to do a muscle biopsy, but it would be pointless because they can't do anything different even if they do pin the certain kind. So I'm gonna do physical therapy & if I strengthen them enough my bones could move back into place & there is only a 10% chance I would would pass it onto kids if I had them. Thanks dad. Ha ha just kidding dad. My dad is just way more super duper tough than I am. That's how dads are though right? On the upside he gave me a prescription for aleve( that's what I take every day, twice a day) bonus is my insurance covers it. Ha ha, take what ya can get right. Anyways... there isn't a cure for muscle diseases, but I'm gonna get my shoulders super strong & hopefully my clavicles will move right back up where they belong. :)

Have a great night everybody, lots of loves!

Pretty it up-DIY Washi tape keyboard

Yay I made my keyboard pretty. i originally saw this idea here at Her New Leaf.  I love Washi tape, it's the best for scrap booking & crafting.

I made a template at first, but it was just easiest to roll the tape on cut & trim. I used those tiny scissors that people use to cut finger nails. They are my crafting pair haha.

A tedious project, but I just watched a movie while doing it. I love the outcome!

Have a great day lots of LOVES!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ohhh pinterest-closed minds need closed mouths

So today I was browsing Pinterest (what I often do while laying in bed trying to sleep these days) & I saw this. I pinned this a couple of days ago, because I thought it was funny. Then today i saw this. I can't believe that some people have so much time to fight about something so dumb. Life is too short to be sooo close minded & it's just a stupid photoshop picture. It's suppose to be funny. Don't waist your time judging & fighting with people you have never met on the Internet. People amaze me.

Katie Johnston That's hot.
Thumbnail of Amanda Hasty
Amanda Hasty so not right...
Thumbnail of Heather Stratton
Thumbnail of Tary Taylor
Tary Taylor Mormons will probably not get this........
Thumbnail of Lena Stacey
Lena Stacey The story would still be magical.
Thumbnail of Tary Taylor
Tary Taylor pretty sure this is not targeted @ children......
Thumbnail of Amanda Nichols
Amanda Nichols This is disgusting. Disney would not be on our shelves..
Thumbnail of Heatherann Clark
Heatherann Clark This is amazing. Love stories can happen, even to those with body modifications. Don't ever judge a book by its cover and don't teach our children to judge.
Thumbnail of Stephanie Menth
Stephanie Menth Haha fits perfectly with the Hipster Ariel meme :D
Thumbnail of Brittany Bennett
Brittany Bennett cant believe the people saying they wouldnt have it on their shelves or their children wouldnt watch it... ignorance
Thumbnail of Amber McClure
Amber McClure Awesome!!! I would so buy this :)
Thumbnail of Lina Brattain
Lina Brattain Body Art does not change character - j Don't JUDGE!
Thumbnail of Jennifer Parkin-Izatt
Jennifer Parkin-Izatt Tary, I am a heavily tattooed Mormon and I love this!
Thumbnail of Tary Taylor
Tary Taylor @ Jennifer Parkin-Izatt Good on you Jenn , you go girl!. I love body art I'm 50 this month , I get so many compliments on my piercings!
Thumbnail of Sammy Esquivel
Sammy Esquivel thats effin awesome!!
Thumbnail of Becki Strabbing
Becki Strabbing God, people are so ignorant and closed minded. This is not disgusting, and it is not wrong to teach children. In fact, we should be teaching our children to accept people, not push them away or be afraid of them because they're different.
Thumbnail of Shelley Price
Shelley Price There resent over 100 likes and repins for nothin! I love the diversity of people and that type of acceptance is exactly what we should be teaching our children. They should see the people not the tattoos just like most of us do.
Thumbnail of Shelley Price
Shelley Price *there aren't
Thumbnail of Heather Coy
Heather Coy ♥ it!
Thumbnail of Miranda Quiros
Miranda Quiros It's not cool. Children can see this when they aren't children when they are teens and if you religious in the bible it say to treat ones body as if it was a temple. That means to not get a bunch of stupid ink and metal in your body I would never allow my children to watch this and it isn't ignorance or close minded
Thumbnail of Jessica Bivens
Jessica Bivens I also believe if your " religious" you're not supposed to judge. You are indeed close minded, I have tattoos but that doesn't make me a bad person or any less than you. You "religious" people need to step off your high horse.
Thumbnail of Jessica Bivens
Jessica Bivens You're* oh god better fix that before god judges me.
Thumbnail of Brandon Criddle
Brandon Criddle Why if your body is a temple, would you want empty walls and no windows? If you're religious keep you opinions to yourself. Closed minds need closed mouths.
Thumbnail of Tary Taylor
Tary Taylor @ dimplescott be my guest. I have no idea why this has exploded the way it has. For heavens sake it's one artists interpretation. But then again the "haters gonna hate" lol
Thumbnail of Lina Brattain
Lina Brattain ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE! I don't believe they are haters, but they are very close minded and if you are judging others, you seriously are not living as Christ would have you live and DON'T JUDGE anyone! We are all entitled to our opinions, our beliefs and to respect others.........What has this world come to???
Thumbnail of Shilo Carr
Shilo Carr This is not attractive.
Thumbnail of Courtney A
Courtney A I love this and can't understand why others don't. It's a thumbs up to tattoo enthusiasts and the tattooed. The artist is having fun on their own interpretation. All of this negativity is unnecessary/ridiculous. You don't like, don't click on it.
Thumbnail of Malia Fotheringham
Malia Fotheringham I love this picture! :) If your religious keep your opinions to yourself? That's a little closed minded don't you think?
Thumbnail of Lisa Curcio
Lisa Curcio If my children see tattooed people on the streets, tattoos on myself, their father, their aunt, their grandfather, all people who love them unconditionally for the rest of their lives, all people with religious values, morals, education, the list goes on... Then this is absolutely what I want them to see. So I agree, if you don't like it then don't look at it. I know for a fact that when I stand before God with tattoos on my skin He will forgive me, just as he will forgive you for passing judgement.
Thumbnail of Juliana Anderson
Juliana Anderson I love this!!! And Thats my favorite movie....
Thumbnail of Katie Norman
Katie Norman soooo ... you wouldn't let your kid watch a movie with someone who has tattoos and piercings but you would allow them to watch a movie about a scantily clad mermaid that disobeys her father to sell her soul to the devil to be someone she's not to be with a man she doesn't know at age 16? yah that makes a lot of sense ;P
Thumbnail of Juliana Anderson
Juliana Anderson I wanna see flounder all tatted up....
Thumbnail of Bryana Cardenas
Bryana Cardenas I will teach my children to accept everyone without judging but that does not mean I have to make them think it's ok to put tattoos al over there bodies, heck my own husband has my name tattooed on his back, it will be an option my kids make but I will not tell them it's ok or encourage it, this cartoon would be doing just that, it's just not right!! It's disgusting trying to convince kids to get tattooed. Even more when I actually see a kid with a tattoo.
Thumbnail of Cayse Haynes
Cayse Haynes I like it! I think tattoos are an expression of individualism. U wear ur
Thumbnail of Cayse Haynes
Cayse Haynes Hair how u want. Why not let me have my tats?
Thumbnail of Emilie McPhail
Emilie McPhail @ Katie Norman - the funniest and most ironic statement. Love it!
Thumbnail of Lena Stacey
Lena Stacey @Katie Norman- I totally agree!
Thumbnail of Jessie Neikirk
Jessie Neikirk i love this picture. it was my dp for awhile. my boyfriend and i are both tattoo enthusiasts. if you don't like it don't click on it. dram drama drama. i swear. we don't comment on your pins and cause judgemental drama. . .so back off.
Thumbnail of Jordin Justus
Jordin Justus I'm very religious, Mormon in fact, and I love tats! I would have one if I wasn't terrified of needles :) But to each his own and only God will judge us in the end. @Katie Norman Excellent statement! I would have said it myself if it wasn't on here already :).
Thumbnail of Casey Beaulieu
Casey Beaulieu I Liked this Until I Realized Eric was wearing A Day to Remember Shirt.
Thumbnail of Karen Adam
Karen Adam I'm Mormon too and I also love this look! I don't agree with it though because I have faith that my Heavenly Father knows better :)
Thumbnail of Lindsay
Lindsay I am a Christian and I have tattoos and three lip piercings. I don't think God loves me less for that. My tattoo is actually a symbol of my faith. But judge me if you must, it's a good thing your opinion isn't the one that counts. :)
Thumbnail of Elizabeth Randau
Elizabeth Randau @Lindsay Me too! I have a Jesus fish with a cross inside with Galatians 6:17 underneath it. "Therefore let no man trouble me, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus" (: I don't think my body is any less of a temple because I've got a symbol of my faith on it. Let them judge.
Thumbnail of Shannon Principe
Shannon Principe I happen to have tattoos and one of them has a cross in it. I body is a temple...and any temple or church I've been in has art hanging in it...I've chosen to decorate my temple. Pretty sure Jesus still loves me!
Thumbnail of Katy Anderson
Katy Anderson Glad he listens to a day to remember. Good taste!
Thumbnail of Lynette Larrabee
Lynette Larrabee Yes, Jesus does love all of you with tattoos, but please Disney....never!!!
Thumbnail of Lauren Marshall
Lauren Marshall God loves everyone :) I just think Disney tries to teach young children - who are not able to alter their appearance- to love themselves just the way they were made. I love tattoos and piercings, I have a few of my own, but I understand why people wouldn't be thrilled with a movie like this. It's not about religion, it's about being happy with yourself the way you are! :)

Hope everyone has a happy & lazy Sunday! I,ve got chocolate chip banana bread in the oven, so I gotta go work out. lol