Sunday, September 8, 2013

Asher Cal's Birth Story

As you probably already know Asher was still breech, so I was scheduled to have a cesarean section on the 28th of August. Well my body & Asher had other plans. I started having frequent contractions early in the morning around 2 am on the 20th of August. I was having them so often that I couldn't go back to sleep. I finally got in the shower and headed to work when it was time. I took a lunch break while at work & headed to the doctor that day to get checked because I was still having them. I was only dilated to a 1 & 80% effaced. They told me to head to the hospital if the contractions got more regular.

They continued to get more and more frequent and stronger and stronger. Wednesday morning the 21st I woke Mike up and we headed to the hospital for me to get checked. No dice, my contractions still weren't regular enough. At this point they were really getting strong, so I didn't go to work. They continued & continued. Pain & no sleep for 4 nights. Mike kept saying babe we need to go back to the hospital you can't go on like this. I really really didn't want to be sent home again so I wouldn't go. Finally Saturday morning the 24th at around 3am I woke Mike up and said okay let's go. My body was not doing so great. I swear I was going to start hallucinating any minute. I have never been so exhausted in my life. Can I just add that holy cow thank goodness for my HypnoBirthing training!!
I may not have gotten to have the Hypnobirth I wanted, but that is what got me through 4 days of contractions. I wouldn't have made it otherwise. I was have them anywhere from 5-20 mins apart the first day and 3-7 mins the last day. When we got to the hospital they monitored me again and they still weren't very regular contractions, but very long contractions averaging 2.5 minutes  each. I was now dilated to a 4 & pretty much all the way thinned out. I could barely talk my body was wasted, Mike was a hero and took care of everything! I was freezing and my whole body was shaking. This was from the exhaustion. After monitoring they decided Asher Cal need to be born today. Mom's body was in too much stress.

Mike was so so excited we were going to meet our boy!! He kept trying to get me all excited, and it's horrible but I just couldn't muster up excitement. I remember being scared as hell!! Thinking awesome I am about to be cut open & holy shit I feel awful I am so tired how am I going to take care of him?
After that it all happened really really fast...
They gave me the epidural & I was in surgery.
It only took 30 mins start to finish.
Asher Cal was born at exactly 8am August 24th at Utah Valley.
He was a week and a half early.

I was pretty jacked up between the exhaustion and epidural, but Mike filled me in on details.
They asked Mike if he wanted to watch them pull him out and he was said NO. OHHH NOOO. ha ha he was back behind the curtain with me comforting me and giving me tickles and kisses. I was shaking sooo bad! I don't blame him though. I wouldn't want to see him all bloody and cut open. After he was born I got ditched. ha ha Mike went with to clean him up. He said Asher was so so calm & wasn't even crying. Mike did amazing he remembered all the things I didn't want them to give Asher & the procedure's I wanted them to skip. He told me this later, but he said to the nurse "We will take the Special K shot" ha ha ha I laughed so hard when I heard this. The nurse laughed also and replied with "You mean Vitamin K" Good stuff. Pretty funny. After he was cleaned up I got to see him for 5 seconds & then Dad & Ash headed to the nursery. I didn't see them again for 2 hours. :(

When I did though it was all worth it. I'm so so happy my baby boy is perfectly healthy!! Even though we didn't get to do immediate skin to skin this little boy has had no problems bonding with mommy or eating. He was able to get the hang of things immediately & eats non stop! His favorite place to sleep at night (the only place he will sleep when fussy) is on moms chest/tummy. We love him to death and feel so lucky to have him in our lives. He is so perfect and has so much attitude already!! He looks just like his handsome poppy, What more could I ask for? And to think I thought I didn't want kids at one point!!!

Just to add...
Mike is already the most amazing dad in the world. He has been cleaning house, doing laundry and changing almost all the diapers. They are going to be best buddies!! I am truly lucky! That little stuffed dog below was Micheal Dean's when he was little. Mike wouldn't leave home without him. His name is Poocher. :)