Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Momma help needed

 If you are a boy you definitely won't be interested in this post.  Exit now.

Question is in regards to feeding my babe. So here's the thing. I have a hell of a time pumping enough for Asher these days. I pump a lot, this is not the question. No I don't have a low supply, he's fine when we are together. Pumps aren't as efficient as baby. Yes I've done the fenugreek, fennel oil, mothers milk tea, all that. All that gets me is clogged ducts, because I have more milk & the pump can't get it out. I did get a manual pump though & yay no more clogged ducts. 
So as much as I didn't want to & as much as it stressed me out I started adding formula (1oz) to each of his bottles that they feed him while I'm at work. So this didn't work out very well... 
I have tried 3 different kinds at this point & all ended in constipation. 
So he had his 4 month appointment today & his doctor suggested either adding oatmeal to his diet(mixed with breast milk) or I could try a soy based formula or goats milk to supplement with. 
Rice cereal is not an option. My doctor said it will just cause more constipation, plus I had read the article below about it.

Here are a couple other useful articles I have read regarding what to do.



So if any mommies have tried any if these or have any insight please let me know. :)
