Thursday, February 5, 2015


From a beautiful mess-This week, challenge yourself to snap a guilty pleasure of yours and your family members too! I define a guilty pleasure as something that you enjoy, but that you're maybe not exactly proud of."


So I have a little obsession with makeup! This is my guilty pleasure. Unfortunately I haven't been able to wear eyeshadow in about 3 Months. I have psoriasis on my eye lid. It's brutal & eyeshadow makes it way worse. Anyways I can't wait until I can wear it again. 
Our family guilty pleasure is Peanut Butter. YUMMY! we seriously go through so much of it. I like crunchy, but will take either. Mike like creamy so we usually get that!  Now I'm going to go eat a spoonful. 


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This weeks challenge was to help you start and end your day off right! This week, I was challenged  to photograph my mornings and evenings. I mostly did mornings, evenings can get a little chaotic with the little dude. Plus lighting in my house is terrible!

Well Asher is my mornings. Cuddly morning nursing sessions & coffee. Good coffee! Favorite part of my mornings. (Some of these are my camera, some iPhone) 

Asher is 17 months old here's some fun info I want to remember.  
-Climbs anything & everything-obsessed with babies & balls.
-He signs more, eat, all done.(says them too) refuses to do milk. His sign for that is tugging on my shirt.
-He likes to look art you all sneaky out of the corner of his eye & give you a big cheezer. 
-He calls me Dada. He knows how to say mama, but for some reason calls me dada.
-He always hides toys in daddies work boots
-He teases Mystro constantly & they are best buddies.
-My favorite thing he says  Ought Oh Spegehetti Oh. said like "Ought Oh petti oh"
-Oh so many more fun things, but now that I'm trying... I can't think of them.