Wednesday, March 20, 2013

16 WEEKS (yay four months)

At first it seemed like my pregnancy was going by soo slow. Maybe it was the morning sickness.
Now I feel fabulous & my belly is growing. It seems as though it is going by very very fast now. I can't wait to know if it's a gal or guy so I can better plan & prepare. I need to make myself start buying a case of diapers each time we get paid. Anyways we are having a gender reveal party for our very excited families April 20th & I am very much looking forward to that. My baby has little ears now, and Mr. Nielson is constantly wanting to talk to and kiss on my belly. It's cute but a little silly, as mean as it is I have to tell him to leave me alone sometimes. I've never been a fan of him or anyone else for that matter touching my stomach (belly now). It'll be something i'm going to have to get use to.

How far along?  16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  I haven't checked lately
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but things are getting snug

Stretch marks? 
 Nope & let's hope it stays that way
 Between the shoulders & potty breaks, not very good at all.
Best moment this week:  Getting my gender party invites
Miss Anything? My mass amount's of coffee & sushi

Movement:  Not yet
Food cravings:  Not really
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope, feeling way better!
Have you started to show yet:  Yes
Gender: We find out April 18th
Labor Signs:  Nope
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy Happy
Looking forward to: My next doctor's Appointment next week, and Then finding out the Gender in April

Baby Nielson is the size of a Avocado & will double in size in the next few weeks.