Sunday, July 24, 2016

Rowan Deans Birth Story

Rowan's Birth Story

It all began by my getting a massage Wednesday March 30th. Sabrina one of my besties is a massage therapist so she gave me a massage and worked my pressure points that are suppose to put you into labor. So sure enough the next day at 39 weeks I was getting a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions. I chopped it up to be just that though, not wanting to get my hopes up. So I went about the day, made cookies with Ash, cleaned, folded laundry, cooked dinner, all that fun stuff. As the day went by though they started to get a bit stronger & that night they turned into real contractions. 

At about 9pm I realized I wasn't going to be able to sleep. For my body the worst place to have a contraction is in bed on my side. I find them a lot more painful that way. So I labored on the ball, paced, laid on the couch a bit. Lots of fun stuff. Mike went to bed around midnight because my contraction times were all over the place. They were all a minute long, but ranging anywhere from 5 minutes apart to 20 minutes apart. Unfortunately they were close enough together that I didn't get any sleep. This continued on the next day. I called my midwife Katia and let her know what was going on. I was getting so so tired and was scared because I didn't want this to be a repeat of Asher's labor. (4 days even though he was breech & I had to have a cesarian) We made an appointment with her to go to the birth center and be checked at 5pm. So at 5 we went there & I was only at a 2!! My thoughts "What?!!! Are you freaking kidding me body?! I've been in labor almost 24 hours!" This was soo discouraging for me to hear. I was also screaming in my head "holy hell I can't do this 4 days again" I was starting to doubt that I would be able to do it without pain medication. 4 days with no sleep was wayyy too long last time. I couldn't even enjoy Asher  because I was so exhausted. While I was there to did a sweep & stretch, stretching me to a 4. Then they (Katia my midwife & Halima the student midwife) told us to come back at 11 pm to be checked & do another sweep & stretch to get things moving. So at 11pm we went back my contractions were still all over the place. When we went back I was still at a 4, they did another sweep & stretch & got me to a 6. Then she told me to TRY to get some rest and hopefully we'd have him in the morning or next day. 

On the way home my contractions started getting more regular. About 6-7 minutes apart. So when I got home I couldn't sleep. Contractions were too strong & close together. Let me just add that I'm very emotional when overly tired. So I cried. I cried to my mom & Mike. (My mom was at our house with Ash while we went to the birth center) I was just feeling so tired, discouraged & all I wanted to do was have a baby or sleep. Neither was happening. My mom & Mike talked me into going to the hospital. The Nephi hospital.... They talked me into going in to get an epidural & having my baby there instead. That way I could sleep if my body wasn't ready. I was so tired & discouraged I agreed. Even though I loathe hospitals. Don't get me wrong they are so great & there is definitely a time & place for them. We are lucky to have that care, but it's not somewhere I want to be unless I have to. 

So we got there and I was immediately regretting it. First the nurse can't find my cervix to check me. I had to tell her it was to the right. I've never wanted to punch someone so bad in my life. Then she comes in & tells us I will have to have a cesarian because Dr. Jones (the doc on call) will not do a VBAC. I was at a 7 and in labor. There was NO WAY I was having a cesarian when I was this close and there was no reason for it. Let alone from a doctor I had never met.  I asked her to leave the room so I could talk to Mike. We both thought no, no cesarian. When she came back we told her we didn't want one. She then tried to talk us into it, fought with us & told us a VBAC was too risky. She also told us I was gonna have this baby soon. My thoughts "THEN LET US".  Then my water broke. I looked at Mike & told him. He then said "it's a sign, get dressed we are going to the birth center" At this the nurse was freaking out. I started taking the monitors off my belly, she ran out doing whatever. Calling the doctor I think. I got dressed & she came back in telling us "I  can't let you guys leave, you are gonna have the baby in the car"  I assured her we would not. There were lots of dramatics from the nurse, her begging us not to leave. Telling us the doctor would be there in 5 minutes to talk to us. I told her I'm very sorry we are offending you but we are leaving. She was really pissed. We signed the release form & left. (Oh & during a lot of this after my water broke Mike was on the phone with Katia) 

We then headed to the birth center. Better Birth in Spanish Fork. This is where things kinda become a blur to me. I remember most things but I was really tired & the nurse saying I couldn't do it gave me the boost/power I needed. I don't like being told what I can/can't do. Ha ha. So I got in the "zone" my relaxed, deep breathing, meditative zone. 
I think we arrived around 1:30am.. Let me just tell you how much I hate having contractions in the car. Ugh the worst. When we got there they checked me (gently) I continued to leak my bag of waters. All over my pants ,his head was really low so it was blocking a lot of the waters. Then they filled the birthing tub for me & I labored in there for  5 hours 18 mins.(yes we had to keep adding hot water) 

My poor midwife team & Mike. I had a whole playlist of stuff to listen to, but ended up listening to the same 24 minute track on repeat the whole time I was in labor. (Active relaxation by Lauralyn Curtis) The tub was a dream. I felt so much better once I got in. My team was amazing!! I thought I'd was counter pressure & rubs & all that while in labor from Mike & my doula but turns out all I wanted was peace & quiet. It was perfect!! Lights dimmed, everyone quiet as a mouse. I was sooo in the zone, looking back it feels hazy. The only way I know how to explain it. When I got to a 9 his head was so low that my body was trying to push. It was insane, Katia kept telling me to try and breathe through it. Not to push yet. It was brutal. Like I didn't have control. Then I got to a 10 & was so glad to push. That is some hard work though, I pushed for a little over an hour. I remember towards the end his heart rate kept dropping during my contractions. I didn't put me in a panic though because the midwives didn't seem concerned. I also heard one of them (I believe Katia)say to another that his cord might be around his neck. They also didn't seem concerned about this.  I didn't even remember it until later, it was so nice that they didn't put me into distress. Always keeping things calm. Well he was born with his hand up by his face so it made it a bit harder for me to get him out & that good old elbow too!! He is a perfect little man. Born at 6:29 am 7lbs 13oz 20 inches. It was so much better than Asher's birth & makes me feel so sad that Asher didn't get the same. With Ash I didn't get to see him for a couple hours. Rowan was immediately placed on my chest. We cuddled, bonded & he immediately breast fed. He stayed with me the whole time, the cord wasn't cut until the placenta was delivered and Mike cut it. It was a great experience and we are so glad to have him here as a part of our family.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Coconut Lime Quinoa Soup

Make it Vegan or with Chicken
This delicious, fresh tasting soup made with lime and cilantro essential oils will leave you full and feeling great! To make the vegan version use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth and don't add chicken.
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 6


2 chicken breasts
4 cups chicken broth (or vegetable)
1 can of corn (juice drained)
1 can coconut milk
2 cups cooked quinoa(see below for cooking instructions)
1/2 medium onion chopped
1 lime juiced (2 limes if you want a bold citrus flavor)
4 drops lime essential oil
1 toothpick dipped about halfway into your bottle of cilantro essential oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Optional garnish:

Fresh cilantro


Boil the chicken breasts in a medium sized pot in the chicken broth until fully cooked, (around 15-20 minutes once the broth starts boiling). If the chicken is not fully submerged in the broth you will need to flip in periodically to ensure both sides get fully cooked. When chicken is almost finished cooking add the diced onion (around 5 minutes left). You can check the chicken by taking a breast out and slicing it open. It is finished when it is no longer pink in the center.
When chicken is fully cooked remove it from the broth turning the burner to medium-low. Shred the chicken on a cutting board or plate using two forks, one stabbed into the breast holding it in place and using the other to shred it by pulling the prongs of the fork across the breast shredding it.   Then return the shredded chicken to pot of broth.
Add all other ingredients, one can of corn, one can coconut milk, the cooked quinoa, the juice of one lime, three drops lime essential oil,  and last stir the cilantro toothpick in the soup then discard the toothpick. Allow your soup to warm, around 5 minutes.
Then garnish you bowl with a couple sprigs of cilantro and avocado chunks if desired. ENJOY!
To cook the quinoa:

While the chicken is cooking rinse 1 1/4 cups uncooked quinoa in a colander.
Place your quinoa in a medium pot with 2 1/2 cups of water, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil over medium-high heat for 5 minutes, then reduce heat to low, and simmer stirring occasionally for around 10 minutes or until tender.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


From a beautiful mess-This week, challenge yourself to snap a guilty pleasure of yours and your family members too! I define a guilty pleasure as something that you enjoy, but that you're maybe not exactly proud of."


So I have a little obsession with makeup! This is my guilty pleasure. Unfortunately I haven't been able to wear eyeshadow in about 3 Months. I have psoriasis on my eye lid. It's brutal & eyeshadow makes it way worse. Anyways I can't wait until I can wear it again. 
Our family guilty pleasure is Peanut Butter. YUMMY! we seriously go through so much of it. I like crunchy, but will take either. Mike like creamy so we usually get that!  Now I'm going to go eat a spoonful. 


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This weeks challenge was to help you start and end your day off right! This week, I was challenged  to photograph my mornings and evenings. I mostly did mornings, evenings can get a little chaotic with the little dude. Plus lighting in my house is terrible!

Well Asher is my mornings. Cuddly morning nursing sessions & coffee. Good coffee! Favorite part of my mornings. (Some of these are my camera, some iPhone) 

Asher is 17 months old here's some fun info I want to remember.  
-Climbs anything & everything-obsessed with babies & balls.
-He signs more, eat, all done.(says them too) refuses to do milk. His sign for that is tugging on my shirt.
-He likes to look art you all sneaky out of the corner of his eye & give you a big cheezer. 
-He calls me Dada. He knows how to say mama, but for some reason calls me dada.
-He always hides toys in daddies work boots
-He teases Mystro constantly & they are best buddies.
-My favorite thing he says  Ought Oh Spegehetti Oh. said like "Ought Oh petti oh"
-Oh so many more fun things, but now that I'm trying... I can't think of them.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks

Well I decided to do a fun new project. Before the babe came along I was always crafting/letting the creative juices flow. Now, not so much...
I am starting a fun 52 week project from A Beautiful Mess. "Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks"

Here's the explaination.

"In Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks you will be given specific photography challenges and tips you can use throughout the year to document life as it happens around you. Each month you will also be challenged to create a mini album featuring some of your favorite photos and memories. Each session contains examples and tips from the instructors to give you plenty of inspiration to create your own beautiful photos and mini albums. The entire course contains 52 sessions, so you'll be challenged to capture your real life throughout an entire year if you complete one session each week. However this course is self paced, so you are welcome to set your own schedule as needed."

I thought this would be a super fun way for me to get creative, do something I enjoy & ick up my camera more often .  So I will be posting a photo a week here. If this sounds fun to you please join in. You can follow the link above to visit their site & join in on the fun. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Our Family Session

This is our family session with The Stork And The Beanstalk Photography. Ashley lives in California, but if you are interested in booking a session she is coming to Utah at the end of August. You can visit her blog and book a session via email. Thanks so much Ashley! We will cherish them always.