Friday, October 18, 2013

Adventures in new mommyhood!

Adventure adventure it is....
Yes being a Mom is hard!!! They tell you it's an adjustment, but that's an understatement. The cuddles make it so worth it though.  I remember when my Momma had Skyler, I was 14. That is honestly the last time I was truly around a tiny baby. I had forgotten how much work it is, or maybe I just didn't pay attention back then. We are getting the hang of it. It's funny how all the "I won't be doing that with my child, I will be doing this, my baby won't do that's" went right out the door. Just the same as my perfect natural child birth that I had planned did. (Holy shit that was nothing like I planned) From him not taking a binky to him loving it in a matter of a week to him deciding my left boob isn't good enough for him sometimes.   The truth of the matter is ASHER RULES ME he is my master & I am his slave & it's okay because I love him whole entire world. The hardest part was going back to work.  I  sooo didn't want to leave him. It's also very odd telling your parent's how you want things done.They look at you like "I raised you, it'll be fine." I'm sure some parent's are more laid back than me, but I am  not a laid back person. ha ha Things that gave me anxiety were comment's like "if I run out of breast milk I will just give him formula." UMMM HELL NOOO don't give him formula. You see that supply in the freezer,  I don't pump every 2 hours at work hanging out  like Harry Potter  in the closet under the stairs for nothing. It's not like it's fun & I don't see Hagrid coming to rescue me anytime soon. That is just an example of how different opinions in parenting can be. ha ha ....speaking of breast feeding it can be hard & a pain in the butt. It is a choice I have made & it's a lot of work, but I'm going to keep at it as long as I can(not too long) because I feel that it is breast for my child. Ha ha I'm funnny. If I have t use formula eventually I definitely will, it's not the worst thing that could happen. It's just not what I want. I'm just saying everyone is different & everyone has different ways they choose to parent & that's just fine. I will follow a lot of traditions/ parenting style my parents had with us & also have  a lot of my own. It's just hard leaving the one life that rules mine, even if it is with family. I know he is in fantastic hands. I just love him lots & don't like to be away from him.

Little things-
-He looooves baths with Mom. (too bad if you think it's weird + this is the only way I get long baths) The deep water is way better to kick your legs in.

-He is now smiling "for reals", not the gassy ones. Also trying to talk/goo.

-He is starting to fit in 3 Month clothes

-He hates kisses from the men with whiskers. (this makes Mike sad.)

-He is very ticklish & doesn't like tickles or rubs

-His hair is turning light(his dad's did too when he was young)

-Won't sleep without sound

-Likes to trick the babysitter's into holding him all day while he sleeps(wakes when they lay him down)

-Won't sleep in his own bed (mom doesn't mind)

We love him to death & I feel like all 3 of us get the hang of it more & more everyday!