Friday, January 30, 2015

Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks

Well I decided to do a fun new project. Before the babe came along I was always crafting/letting the creative juices flow. Now, not so much...
I am starting a fun 52 week project from A Beautiful Mess. "Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks"

Here's the explaination.

"In Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks you will be given specific photography challenges and tips you can use throughout the year to document life as it happens around you. Each month you will also be challenged to create a mini album featuring some of your favorite photos and memories. Each session contains examples and tips from the instructors to give you plenty of inspiration to create your own beautiful photos and mini albums. The entire course contains 52 sessions, so you'll be challenged to capture your real life throughout an entire year if you complete one session each week. However this course is self paced, so you are welcome to set your own schedule as needed."

I thought this would be a super fun way for me to get creative, do something I enjoy & ick up my camera more often .  So I will be posting a photo a week here. If this sounds fun to you please join in. You can follow the link above to visit their site & join in on the fun.