Saturday, May 24, 2014

9 months

Holy crow! My little chicken nug is 9 months. 

This little man is bursting with personality!  He is very outspoken for not being able to properly form words. He is still refusing to crawl though he does scoot around to what he wants. He wants to stand constantly and has been trying to get up on his own. He still loves being worn by mom & sometimes it's the only way I get anything done. Unfortunately I had a mom of the year moment this week while wearing him. I was cooking & his little hand got away & touched the pan. I felt so so horrible. It's not a super terrible burn, but I still feel like crap. Luckily he is tough & only cried for a moment. 

On nursing! 
We are still nursing & going strong. He still nurses every 2 hours. Thank goodness that is not the case at night. Thank goodness we can nurse still!! With him not being able to digest anything besides breast milk. I tried to start feeding him some baby food a couple times a day & nope... He can't digest it. So I stopped and he is just going to nurse & try small bites of moms food. So again I am so thankful we can nurse. It would be a nightmare for this little guy if I wasn't able to nurse him. So I will & screw the food for now after all food before 1 is just for fun. On another note I  have been surprised at how uncomfortable nursing this old of a baby  makes people...
I think somehow the world has gotten it in their heads that 6 months is the cut off. Well think what you want people. If ash & I are happy nursing then don't worry about it. I can't wait to see people reactions when I'm nursing after 1. Sometimes it is a pain though. This boy will not use a cover & will not nurse in public. If anyone is around or talking he pulls off constantly. He doesn't want to miss a beat. Him being distracted equals him getting frustrated & biting. No thanks, so we nurse in the car. Poo. This leads to me not wanting to go anywhere. So yep, I like to stay home. Sorry peeps! 

He now does the milk sign back! Yay
He says da da 
His version of dog more like daw
He imitates the cat meowing sounds like maaaaa, he waves bye & says ba ba ba ba (bye bye) 
He loves trucks & cars. 
He has a dozer that he loves. 
He pushes them around & makes sounds like a car. I love it, it's so cute!!
He still loves music & does his own singing by making a long sound example daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa & he makes sure it's loud. 
He is obsessed with my coffee & gets mad every morning that I won't let him have it. 
He has started throwing little fits or screaming at us when he doesn't want that. I'm not a huge fan of this, but hopefully learning more signs will help. 
He is a huge mommas boy & I wear him a lot. Some people don't think I should or don't agree with it. They say I spoil him, by not making him cry. It's okay tho. Everyone can/or did raise their own kids how they want. He is a much much happier baby when I wear him. Happy baby equals happy mom. He is a very curious boy, I think he will be much happier when he can get around. He is going to be in everything. Anyways...

This boy is so so fun. He is such a blessing! He is growing & learning so quickly! It's so fun to watch & makes you feel so accomplished when they learn even the smallest tasks. I am so thankful & love you do much Ash! 

To add
We are so thankful for Mike, he is such a great daddy & husband.  I am so blessed that he works so hard so I can be home with our boy! 

As a note for everyone... 
I write all this kind of as a journal. I want to remember these things & I print my blog so that I can. I am glad to share it & I know family enjoys it. So If it bores you don't read it. Ha ha. Have a great day. Xoxo